Toddlers are known for being active, and they are often sweating. Keeping their hair clean is very important, and the right product must be chosen. Here are a few tips for choosing the right shampoo for your little one.
Picking shampoo for children age 1-3 years old
- Look for natural ingredients because they are gentler on the skin and do not leave chemical residues
- Choose fragrance-free formula and avoid ingredients that can irritate the skin
- Sodium Laureth Sulfate or SLES is often added into the shampoo for foaming and removing dirt, but make sure that the SLES in the shampoo is naturally formulated for children.
- The pH balance should be neutral to avoid irritation
- Use just a drop of shampoo and dilute it with water on your hands before putting it on your child’s hair
- Do not put the shampoo directly on the child’s head because it can get in the eyes. The high concentration can also be irritating.
- If you notice rashes or scaling at the scalp, stop using that shampoo and consult a doctor to determine the cause. If your child is allergic to that shampoo, ask the doctor to recommend a safer formula.