Having a fever, cough, running nose, sore throat, headache, throw up, stomachache, watery stool or the lack of stool, and having rash are signs telling you that your baby is getting sick. The symptom will be according to each body system. For example, fever, cough, or panting are signs that breathing system might not work properly. Throwing up or watery stool can be a sign of inflammatory bowel disease. For bigger children, they can communicate with the parents and let the parents know that they are not feeling well and be brought to see the doctor. If your baby is too young to communicate, signs of illness can be seen through the lack of liveliness, eat less, agitation, constant cry, refuse to sleep or higher temperature from fever.
When your baby shows any abnormal sighs, you should bring it to see the doctor as soon as possible, especially for younger children who are harder to diagnose. Illness can be in physical or mental forms. If your baby shows any behavior disorders, such as plays roughly or bites their friends, seeing a doctor is recommended as well. Many symptoms, when diagnosed before spreading or turning severe, your baby can be spare from the lengthy healing time, consuming medicines, and staying in the hospital.
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