Currently, many schools have announced classes canceling because of the influenza outbreak. A lot of children fall sick along with their friends in the class. The symptoms of influenza are fever coming along with respiratory symptoms: a cough, running nose, sore throat, headache, body pain. Sometimes there might be diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting as well.
How many types of influenza?
There many types of influenza which can be divided into 3 types:
From the information regarding the virus at the beginning of the year, H3N2 is currently the most common type. Influenza B is found less while Influenza C is rarely seen. In general, some particular Influenza A is more severe than Influenza B, such as H5N1, the bird flu, and H1N1, also known as 2009 Flu (Was outbreak in 2009).
How to know the type of Influenza?
Laboratory tests can distinguish the type of influenza, using nasal and throat swab which is currently an easy and fast method but have low sensitivity. The test result will show whether it is Influenza A or Influenza B. The negative result cannot be confirmed that it’s not influenza. Another method is biological molecule tests which give more definite results and is able to tell the type of influenza, such as H3N2.
Suspected Symptoms that your Baby might catch Influenza A
The symptoms are similar to common flu but more severe.
Will influenza vaccine help?
Since the vaccines cover only certain types of influenza, you might still catch influenza even after receiving the vaccine. Currently, there’re ongoing researches aiming to develop vaccines and extract the virus genetic code. The vaccines have been continuously developing. For details about vaccination, please consult with a doctor and pharmacists.
The Easy Ways to Protect your Baby from Influenza
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