During the first 6 months of age, breast milk is the best needed food for babies because it contains special food ingredients called “Prebiotics” which is a water-dissolvable fiber that stimulates the growth and activity of bacteria naturally living in the digestive system. As such, it is claimed to be beneficial to health by creating natural safeguard for the body that has to act against infection as well as to promote good health of digestion system, which support the babies to grow happily, healthily, and ready to learn things around them. Besides, breast milk also contains fat acid that helps development of the brain.
Breast milk is truly natural food that is full of essential nutrition and antibodies needed by the babies. Research results indicate that breast milk help to reduce risks of diabetes and leukemia in babies. Breastfeeding also helps to prevent the Ear and Respiratory Tract Infection, and the allergies such as asthma and skin rash infection. Besides, researches also recommend that children that are breastfed have better blood pressure than other children in general and tend to have less risk of fatty disease in adulthood than children fed by cow milk.
Breast milk also helps to reduce expenses. While giving breastfeeding, temperature of the breast milk is always constant. At the same time, the mother’s body releases oxytocin hormone (or known as “love hormone”) which help strengthen the relationship between the mother and the baby. Mothers that breastfeed their babies will have reduced risk of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer before the Menopause, and also reduces risk of Osteoporosis. Breastfeeding help mothers to lose weight gained during pregnancy and resume their good shape sooner. Moreover, the breast milk is available at any time and any place, without a tedious process of milk bottle washing.
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