It is already well know that “vegetables” are rich of vitamins and minerals. Each type of vegetable contains different nutrients. However, when concerning the one that is most rich of vitamin A, you would instantly think about pumpkin, wouldn’t you? In fact, the top 5 vegetables containing high level of vitamin A, as ranked by the Bureau of Nutrition, the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, which was published in a book “Nutritive Values of Thai Foods”, as the following orders.
1. lvy Gourd
Ivy gourd is a climbing plant that can spread over the house’s fence. It has sweet taste and good scent. It is not only rich of vitamin A but also other useful nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, etc. Besides the eyes nourishment, ivy gourd can help to prevent cancer and Ischaemic heart disease. Moreover, it contains fibers that reduce risk of Gastric cancer.
2. Sweet leaf
There are two types of sweet leaf: home and wild. These may sound difficult to find and buy. However, at present, both types are widely available for consumption throughout the year. Sweet leaf is another kind of vegetable that is rich of protein, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium. It has a property to expedite metabolism of amino acid before being transformed to energy. Sweet leaf is good for both children as well as mothers who wish to reduce their weight.
Carrot is well known of being a good nutrient for eyes. Besides vitamin A, carrot contains vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K which help to prevent various kinds of cancers such as lung cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Gastric cancer, and Bowel Cancer. Moreover, carrots help to make skin healthy and anti-aging.
All of pumpkin components are consumable, including apical bud, flower bud, young pumpkin fruit, and flesh of ripe pumpkin. Pumpkin contains several nutritive values for children’s growth, especially vitamin A that helps nourishment for bright and shiny eyes. Besides, pumpkin also contains calcium, phosphorus, and protein which nourish bones and teeth.
Tomato is rich if nutritive values. A medium-size tomato fruit contains vitamin C in equivalent amount of a whole pomelo fruit. One tomato can provide one-third of vitamin A needed daily by the body. Besides, tomato also contains potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and many other minerals.
Besides helping to nourish the eyes, these vegetables are sweet and colorful so that they can attract small children to try tasting them. It must be reminded that, vitamin A is rich not only in vegetables that have yellow, red, and orange color but also in green leaf vegetables.
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