During pregnancy, mother-to-be will get numbers of healthy menus for pregnancy care from various sources. One of those sources is “coconut juice”. Coconut juice, a natural drink that is easy to find. Besides its popular sweetness and good scent, coconut juice is very good for health because it is rich of a variety of minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, and sugar, which can be easily absorbed for use by the body’s metabolism system.
For mom-to-be, drinking coconut juice makes the baby clean and get delivered without remaining fats on body skin. We have an easy coconut smoothie recipe for pregnancy.
Coconut smoothie Recipe
1. Coconut juice from a whole coconut fruit
2. Two cups of ice
3. Syrup / Coloring juices (in desired quantity)
1.If the coconut juice is prepared by yourself, use a thin white cloth for filtering the coconut juice in order to prevent any possible stains of coconut shells that may drop into the juice.
2.Fill the ice, coconut juice, and syrup into the blender. Blend them well together until the ice is well smooth.
3. If you like the taste of coconut flesh, you can add pieces of sliced coconut flesh on the top of smoothie.
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