Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, causes respiratory tract disease in young children. It’s found that RSV is the primary cause of Bronchiolitis in children between 6 months to 5 years old. This is especially true during the end of raining season and the beginning of winter when the climate change causes the children to fall sick easily. It’s also the most dispersed time of RSV throughout the year. After infected through discharge and spray from coughing and sneezing, the children will have clear mucus, cough, and probably a fever. If the infected children have weak immune system or have some chronic diseases such as congenital heart disease or premature birth, RSV infection can lead to other more severe illnesses
RSV can diagnose easily by rapid test. However, there’s currently no vaccine to prevent it. There are two types of RSV: type A and type B, and also have various stains. As a result, the children can repeatedly be infected. The treatment will be according to the symptoms. In order to reduce the chance of infection, wash hands frequently and avoid taking the children to a department store or crowded places is recommended.
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